Policy Country/Region Year Keywords
S2758 America 2021 New Energy Vehicles
DOE funding for electric vehicles battery research America 2021 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
American Jobs Plan - Investment in EV America 2021 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Agreement on clean heavy-duty vehicles Netherlands 2021 New Energy Vehicles
Spain mobility stimulus Spain 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Spain 2050 strategy: circular and carbon-neutral economy Spain 2021 New Energy Vehicles
Recovery, transformation and resilience plan Spain 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Recovery, transformation and resilience plan Spain 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
France 2030 investment plan- Clean transport investment France 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Recovery and resilience plan - Sustainable road transport Danmark 2021 Tax Exempt,New Energy Vehicles
German Development and Resilience Plan (DARP) / 1.2 Climate-friendly mobility Germany 2021 Tax Exempt,New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
National recovery and sustainability plan / Green transition / Recharge and Refuel Greece 2021 New Energy Vehicles
South Korea's Fourth Phase New Energy Vehicle Development Plan (2021-2025) Korea 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
The Singapore Green Plan 2030 Singapore 2021 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Climate change policies in the Transport Sector : Biofuel blends, Clean Car Import Standard New Zealand 2021 Carbon Accounting,Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles,Sustainable Aviation Fuel


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